We all make smoothies but they can end up as sugar and carb bombs as we add just one more superfood. This recipe dials back the ingredients, for an easy-to-digest version with no added sugars and under 300 calories, making it a great meal or snack, depending on how you roll. Use up some of that quart of Greek yogurt hanging out in the back of your fridge!

A pink colored smoothie with granola on top, spilling over the edge of the glass
yes sometimes our cup runneth over when the smoothie is extra good!

This 5 ingredient protein-packed smoothie is my go-to concoction for these reasons:

  • Protein: clocks in at 36g (do your own research, but this is high for a meal, which can be a good thing)
  • Phytonutrients (also known as antioxidants) that stave off disease
  • Easy on the gut (at approximately 3g of fiber)
  • 5 ingredients (easy to remember and also makes it easier on the gut)
  • 0g added sugars (tastes sweet enough from fruit only)
  • Almost 0% fat, leaving your healthy fats for a meal where you can enjoy the taste of them
  • Tastes great! all the ingredients in the world are no good if our concoction doesn’t taste good!
overhead view of a pink smoothie with dehydrated raspberries crumbled on top
Freeze-dried raspberries not only look beautiful but taste amazing! Find them with the dried fruits at your grocer.
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A pink colored smoothie with granola on top, spilling over the edge of the glass

5 Ingredient Protein-Packed Smoothie

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Prep Time5 minutes
Cook Time1 minute
Smoothies can be sugar and carb bombs as we add just one more superfood. This recipe dials back the ingredients, for an easy-to-digest version with no added sugars and under 300 calories, making it a great meal or snack, depending on how you roll. Use up some of that quart of Greek yogurt hanging out in the back of your fridge!
Kitchen Tools
  • 1 blender


  • 6 oz 0% milkfat Greek yogurt
  • 2 tbsp unflavored collagen peptides (or your protein powder of choice for vegetarian preparation)
  • 1/2 cup frozen blueberries
  • 1/2 cup frozen pomegranate kernals (a.k.a. arils)
  • 4 chunks frozen pineapple
  • 1/4 cup water
Optional topping ingredients
  • 1 tbsp homemade granola (Low Sugar Olive Oil Granola)
  • 1 tbsp freeze-dried raspberries (my favorite!)
  • 1 tbsp goji berries (dried)
  • 1 tbsp fresh berries


  • Load the blender, starting with the yogurt, followed by the fruit, then the powder, and ending with the water. If you like your smoothies spoonable, start without the water, and use the blender wand to get it blended. If you like them thick but drinkable, follow the recipe and if you like them thinner, try 1/3 c. water or more!
  • Toppings for fun (if you go the spoonable or thick smoothie route): granola, fresh berries, goji berries, freeze-dried raspberries


If you are super active, younger, or need more calories, consider adding in 1/2 of a frozen banana, but I find the above recipe very filling and bursting with nutrition already!

Nutrition (an estimate)

Calories: 276kcal | Carbohydrates: 37g | Protein: 31g | Fat: 2g | Saturated Fat: 0.3g | Cholesterol: 9mg | Sodium: 104mg | Potassium: 532mg | Fiber: 6g | Sugar: 28g | Vitamin C: 34mg | Calcium: 208mg | Iron: 1mg
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